詩帆「フリル水着・セパレート」 |
ディーラー |
: DOLK |
正規適合 |
: DD M / L |
ウィッグ |
: エンゼルヘアー 〔 ー 〕 |
ワンピース |
: ー 〔 ー 〕 |
トップス |
: フリル水着 〔 DOLK 〕 |
ボトムス |
: フリル水着 〔 DOLK 〕 |
インナー |
: ー 〔 ー 〕 |
アウター |
: ー 〔 ー 〕 |
シューズ |
: ー 〔 ー 〕 |
アクセサリー |
: ー 〔 ー 〕 |
: ー 〔 ー 〕 |
: ー 〔 ー 〕 |
撮影日 |
: 2020 年 8 月 4 日 |
またまた、詩帆の登場です。今回は DOLK
Shiho is here again and again. This time, I let her a
bathing suit with ribbons and frills. When I saw this
bathing suit in the doll shop, I thought it was
one-piece style. But to me, it is no problem. Not as
usual, I asked Shiho to introduce her new body, which is
made by Tokyo Doll, named "Fetiche F60LM" -
) - by herself.


"I'm here again and again."

"To day...,"

"My father asked me...,"

"to introduce my new body made by Tokyo Doll, so then I'll
do that."


"To ask a girl to explain her body by herself...,"

"sounds like a new type of sexual harassment, only to me?"

"I definitely know that we can't ask for propriety to my
pervy father."

"As you already know, my body is made from silicon with
flexible or movable bones."

"At first, I'll explain my legs and feet. Look at my
beautiful ones."

"My knees and ankles are palely painted. It is, as it were,
the effect of the major option in ordering,
named 'Body Make.'"
"In addition, the nails of my toes are also painted. And it
is a special option."
"Painting toes depends on whether the characteristics of our
"so, if you need this option, please require when you make
an order."

"This shape of my foot before you is unavailable style of
the foot part made from PVC."
"When we select a body set made from PVC, we basically
change a foot part to the heal-shape one."

"Second, look at my nipple. PVC ones looks like so sharp

"In case of a silicon body, nipples looks much softer but we
can recognize that they are surely under the cloth."
"They are not so hard, even soft and real."

"Next is the new feature or function of my new body. But I
feel strange to say that."

"The new discovery is the wide range of my shoulders and the
way they move."

"I guess you can find the point from this picture. My
shoulder rise up...,"
"with my arm co-worked with some frameworks under my silicon

"You don't see the beautiful line of the armpit except
silicon dolls."

"And my armpit doesn't smell bad. I don't mean a certain
characteristics of living things."

「骨格入り軟性樹脂製ドールボディの素材には、シリコンと TPE があるんだけどね」
"There are general two materials of soft and smooth feeling
doll bodies are silicon and TPE."

「TPE は素材の特性上、徐々ににおわなくはなっていくけれど、やや強めの石油系の匂いがあるよ」
"TPE has a little strong oily smell because of the property
of its material."
"They smell anywhere not only arm pit. What? 'How about the
V zone? I don't know where it is, yuk."

"Silicon bodies can be standing stably on my one foot with a
certain stand with well-balance."

"Large Type Multi Stands produced by OBITSU are usually used
in our house."

"And, screws are so tighter than usual, as just before the
acrylic base will have some cracks."
"This holding power is really strong and a little difficult
to treat easily."

"Look at the lines from shoulder to arm and hips to thighs."

"They are really smooth and don't have no lines to fingers
or toes. It is definitely 'seamless'."

"Also, the fitness to the hips or real wrinkles of the
panties or bathing suits...,"
"is so much liked by a certain gentlemen of the perversion."

"Do you understand the characteristics of silicon bodies
when it is standing?"

"Next one is the characteristics or function when the
silicon body is sitting."

"The biggest evolution is the movable range of thighs to the
body or abdomen."

"In order to make thighs to the bodies, we have to set
something supportable beside our back...,"
"or fathers must take pictures to show the figure of the
body naturally."

"However, as you see, newest bodies with newest silicon and

"don't need any something supportable to sit with my back

"In the pictures, I am seen as I am sitting with my back
leaning to the back ground or wall...,"

「実際は背景まで 5 cm 以上離れています」
"In fact, it is 5 centimeters far from my back to the wall."

"Next one is sitting on the floor holding ones knees, which
sitting style is really loved...,"
"by a certain type of perverted gentlemen."

"And I should say that this way of sitting is not for
allowing boys to appreciate panties inside skirts."
"Almost all boys always misunderstand in this way."

"Now, I'm in such a pose, but I'm not doing something

"But I know many of the perverted gentlemen have such desire
as they want their dolls...,"
"to do something indecent."

"So, listen carefully to me."

"I just give perverted gentlemen the proper data to fulfill
their curiosity and desire."

"If I say conclusion now, it is quite nice to us...,"

"In case the gentlemen have strict decision to accept the
silicon or inner frameworks elsewhere...,"
"our finger will not reach the core point featuring of their
perverted interests, ha, ha"

"That's why, gentlemen with such a desire as they want dolls
do something indecent...,"
"would need strict decision to break expensive silicon
bodies or much of try and error."
"Anyone can't do bad or wrong things, I think, lol."

"Also, I guess you can see my beautiful skin to be brilliant
especially in this picture...,"

"This is, as it were, the cause of the stickiness. But you
can avoid this reflection...,"
"by applying calcium carbonate or baby powder to our silicon
"Of course, some of powder of calcium carbonate is included
in the package of a silicon body."

"Gentlemen, learn and accept the overflowing attraction of
the silicon body made by Tokyo Doll...,"
"which is the only leading maker and supplier of fine and
artistic silicon doll bodies."
"Umm..., I want to end this column with this cool words, but
it feels a little erotic."
"What? Excuse me? ... Oh, my, don't ask me 'What is ended."
"At least, it is not what the perverted boys like and want
all the time. Yuk, yuk, yuk."