葵「ベビードール」 |
ディーラー |
: DOLK |
正規適合 |
: DD |
ウィッグ |
: ボブ 〔 ドーリーテリア 〕 |
ワンピース |
: ベビードール 〔 Dolk 〕 |
トップス |
: - 〔 - 〕 |
ボトムス |
: - 〔 - 〕 |
インナー |
: アンダーウェア 〔 Dolk 〕 |
アウター |
: - 〔 - 〕 |
シューズ |
: リボンヒール 〔 Luts 〕 |
アクセサリー |
: レースに―ハイソックス 〔 CoolCat 〕 |
: イヤリング 〔 - 〕 |
: 王冠 〔 Dolk 〕 |
撮影日 |
2018 年 4 月 3 日 |
DOLK さんで注文したベビードールのセットが届いたので、早速葵に着てもらいました。
The baby doll which I orded from the shop "DOLK" was
delivered to us today,
so I let Aoi wear it.
Frankly speaking, I like baby dolls very much. They are
very sexy and beautiful.

"Hello, again."

"I'm Aoi."

"This time, as lifting up my skirt
didn't happen,..."

"I feel relieved, but such a thing
has been ready for me."

"Alas for my father, you don't
learn anything by experiences."
(*When she says "you", it means
the administrator of this website.)

"And, as usual,..."

"You like lingerie very much,
don't you?"

"In my home,.."

"we dolls basically and repeatedly

"school uniforms, gym suits..."

"bathing suits..."

"or lingerie for a year."

"It is certain that when the
season of Halloween..."

"or Christmas comes,..."

"we can wear beautiful dresses."

"But as soon as we stop paying

"we are made to wear lingeire."

"Our underwear..."

"is not for showing to someone

"We feel embarrassed in underwear
in public."

"Though I undestand that we are
made to wear it to avoid color migration,..."

"There is no certainty that we
have to frequently wear lingerie, isn't there?"